We have just received the word that the famous David “Honeyboy” Edwards, the now oldest living delta bluesman, is retiring.

Michael Frank, Honeyboy’s long-time manager and friend from Earwig Records made this simple Facebook announcement:

“Honeyboy Edwards has retired, due to ongoing health issues. Send him a get well note to mfrank@earwigmusic.com”

Dick Waterman, the legendary photographer, has declared:

“Manager Michael Frank has made it official that Honeyboy Edwards is retiring. He is truly the last of the pre-war musicians and he brought authentic blues to thousands of fans who saw him over the years. Here’s wishing him good health, long life and our thanks for both the music and the memories.”

The American Blues Scene extends it’s most heartfelt wishes to Honeyboy. In his ninety-six years as a bluesman, he has seen more of the unfolding of the modern world than many of us could ever hope to achieve, and through war, brutal racism, and an American landscape wrought with endless change, the Delta Blues master has spread a simple message of the human condition through music to countless adoring fans. Thank you, Honeyboy, for a vast lifetime’s worth of amazing music.


Matt Marshall is the original publisher of American Blues Scene and owns Bluescentric.com the shop for Blues, Soul, and Rock n Roll -- authentic music t-shirts where every sale pays artist's estates directly.


  1. Suzanne Swanson on

    Having been fortunate enough to do three tours with David ‘Honeyboy’ Edwards I consider myself most blessed. Not only is this amazing talent just as sharp on his instrument and playing but he remembers events of his life as far back to when he was five years of age. We all have Honeyboy stories that make us smile. It is unfortunate that we will no longer enjoy his live performances or his patience in talking afterwards to all his many fans. I can only tell you that my life is richer for having known this amazing artist, photographing him, sharing meals with him, and absorbing a little of his mystic. My love, respect, and support go to Honeyboy, his family, Michael Frank, and all Earwig associates. Thank you for the lessons learned; the music that continues to sustain me; and the unconditional friendship shared ! ~ Suzanne Swanson, July 20, 2011.

  2. T-bone Kistner on

    I thought the worst when I found Honey’s website down and while it’s not the worst it’s depressing. I’ve seen him 6 times and had the pleasure to meet him on 2 of those occasions and it deeply saddens me to hear of his retirement because he always said not doin’ that was what kept him going. I’m proud to have had the honor. Peace and have a safe trip my brother!!

    • I’ve spoken with Honeyboy a couple of times. He was always very cool. Freely gave really cool guitar advice, talked about the world then, now, the internet… Had I not known, I wouldn’t have guessed he was in his 90s. We love Honeyboy. Enjoy your retirement; you certainly earned it.

  3. I met him, chatted and even interviewed him – what a wonderfully friendly, interesting, talented and cool dude! … he has the best memory! … while talking, he said the only thing that bothered him were his knees – when I asked a question, he said : talk into my ear – so I made a joke about knees/ears – he laughed 😀 – hope he lives ’til 120 in good health – blessed to have spent time with him.

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