(FERRIDAY, LOUISIANA) Performers at the May 26th Soul Survivors Festival in Ferriday, Louisiana, may not be the sole survivors of the area’s musical history. But they’re close.
“There is so much music that has come from this region, and so many important musical figures who spent time in Ferriday, that it absolutely makes sense to celebrate it every year,” according to organizer Tommy Polk. “This is our third edition of the Soul Survivors Festival, and it promises to be our biggest and best yet.”
For families, the festival also promises plenty of fun children’s games, chalk painting, jump rope, jumpers and train rides. There will also be great food, refreshments and more available for purchase. Still, it’s the music that’s the big draw for out-of-state and international attendees.
“In Ferriday, Louisiana, we like to say that our little town is ‘Where Music is Born’,” said Polk. “By that, we mean that all of the music isn’t in the past. It’s still very much alive — both here and nearby in Mississippi.”
To that end, the Soul Survivor Festival continues to specialize in an authentic blues and roots music line-up showcasing the region’s surviving musical traditions. This year, acts such as Sylvia Johns Richie & Crew, Nathan Shell, Lil’ Poochie, Jimmy Anderson, Elmo Williams, Hezekiah Early, YZ Ealey Band and Angola Prison Band will perform in the new Jerry Lee Lewis Rockabilly Park and Plaza.
Best of all, the price of admission is free from 11am to 7pm.
“This is a pretty amazing line-up for a festival that is both free and relatively new,” noted music promoter Roger Stolle. “From acclaimed recording artists like Elmo Williams & Hezekiah Early to the legendary Angola Prison Band, this is really an impressive combination of acts performing in a town steeped in musical history.
Fittingly, this year’s festival will feature a ribbon cutting by Mayor McGlothin for a new million-dollar Will Haney Big House Music Hall plus the Jerry Lee Lewis Rockabilly Park and Plaza and Concordia Hotel. In addition, Will Haney Circle and Peewee Whittaker Avenue will be dedicated, and a very special guest is expected. The ribbon cutting events kick off at 7pm across from the Soul Survivors Festival grounds.
“We are very fortunate that the Mayor and Town of Ferriday have so much positive energy going on right now,” Polk said. “We are also fortunate to have a number of generous sponsors helping to keep the daytime portion of Soul Survivors Festival free.”
Festival sponsors include Delta Bank, Concordia Bank, Tensas Bank, Marsala/Budweiser, Gozone/Not Rocket Science, Delta Music Museum/Friends of the Delta Music Museum, Stan’s Rock and Roll, Town of Ferriday, Louisiana, Concordia Parish Sheriff’s Department, Entergy, and Bryant Hammett & Associates.
In a related event at the conclusion of the Soul Survivors Festival, Easy Eddie and the Party Rockers will perform at the Will Haney Music Hall Stage ($3 admission).
For more information on the third annual Soul Survivors Festival and related events, please go to www.ferridaymusic.com or contact Tommy Polk at 601-431-6149 or tommypolk@hotmail.com. (Visit Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/events/391393470884369/)