T-Model Ford "Taildragger"
T-Model Ford "Taildragger"
It was recently reported that legendary delta blues player T-Model Ford suffered a stroke and was rushed to a hospital in his home town of Greenville, Mississippi. Several sporadic updates have been coming in from the area, including the following from Roger Stolle:

T-MODEL FORD UPDATE per his wife Miss Stella a few minutes ago: No big changes/updates on the T-Model front. He is undergoing physical therapy at the hospital in his hometown of Greenville, MS. Stella guessed “several more days” in the hospital with physical therapy to continue at home after that. So far, so good — all things considered. Stella was in better spirits today, btw. Maybe because… it’s T and Stella’s third wedding anniversary today. Happy, happy… y’all. Hang in there T-Model! FYI: See earlier postings on this FB page for how folks can help T-Model out with expenses. Thanks. (PHOTO by Theo Dasbach — from Blues Trail Marker dedication on Nelson Street in Gville a few years back where T-Model walked around holding a bottle of moonshine as law enforcement and governmental officials looked on…)

It has been reported that his condition is improving, though the renown delta bluesman is still weak from the ordeal, and physical therapy will be necessary to help his mobility. Ford’s wife, Stella, says that he will be released from the hospital on Friday. Both would like to thank T-Model’s many fans for the calls, letters, donations, and support during the ordeal.

To donate to help offset the cost of T-Model’s medical bills and recovery, please mail cards, checks, and words of support to his home:

James Ford
443 South 7th Street
Greenville, MS 38703


Matt Marshall is the original publisher of American Blues Scene and owns Bluescentric.com the shop for Blues, Soul, and Rock n Roll -- authentic music t-shirts where every sale pays artist's estates directly.

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