IBC-w-flagsThe landmark 30th annual International Blues Challenge is taking place in Memphis, Tennessee “the home of the blues”, and American Blues Scene will be continuing it’s annual coverage of the week’s events in their entirety. Saturday is the day of the IBC Finals at the grand Orpheum Theater, where the best-of-the-best that have secured a place above over 200 bands to be one of a small, elite group of musicians to compete for the top prizes. The IBC, put on by the Blues Foundation, is a battle of hundreds of blues bands and musicians from around the world who compete for cash, prizes, and industry recognition. One band and one solo/duo act each will win the top prize. Past winners include Trampled Under Foot, Selwyn Birchwood Band, Grady Champion. Be sure to check here regularly for all of the latest International Blues Challenge coverage.

And join the International Blues Challenge conversation on Twitter with #IBC2014

Saturday, January 25

11:00 am – Doors Open for Finals at the Orpheum Theatre IBC Pass or $42.50 at door, if available 11:00 am – IBC Silent Auction at the Orpheum Theatre 12:00 pm – 30th IBC Finals & Best Self-Produced CD Winner Announcement at the Orpheum Theatre 8:30pm – All-Star Jam with Dennis Jones at the New Daisy Theater

Find the Latest on 2014 International Blues Challenge Here!


Matt Marshall is the original publisher of American Blues Scene and owns Bluescentric.com the shop for Blues, Soul, and Rock n Roll -- authentic music t-shirts where every sale pays artist's estates directly.

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