It’s been four years since Jonny Lang wowed us with Fight For My Soul, and now he’s back with the superb collection of songs that inhabit Signs.

While Lang still feels the influence of soul, he has brought more of his harder edged rock sound to this feast of intense and vibrant work. Production values are full, but not lush here, and do not impose upon the music. A lot of this music is hard edged, and the mix is right on the money and really brings out the subtleties that lay within.

We have watched Lang progress and become more proficient at writing and playing as the years have passed. Now, twenty years on from his debut, his writing, vocals, and playing have ascended to a whole new level. His work is informed with the experience that comes with living those twenty years; raising a family, seeing the world and its people, and being knee-deep in the middle of all the trials and triumphs that come with that.

Signs is an open throttled juggernaut of sensory celebration. Jumping on this sonic train at any stop is always rewarded. Every stop on this journey is satisfying, but as always, we had our favorites.

“Make It Move” is flush with layers and textures of sound that wash over us in wave after wave of deep, moving pleasure. The title track slowly builds to a release that includes a daring, almost avant-garde guitar solo. “What You’re Made Of” has a nice Texas flavor that vaguely recalls the great Texas sound of Double Trouble.

Other tracks we enjoyed include “Into The Light,” a great running-the-highway-with-the-top-down caper that is reminiscent of the earliest Bad Company we loved so much. “Bring Me Back Home” is powerful, soulful, and perfectly set off by Lang’s richly gritty vocals and a gorgeous, tantalizing solo. “Singing Songs” closes out the album with its seductive guitar lines, and layered vocals with so much depth listeners could fall into them.

Our unabashed favorite is the soulful rocker “Stronger Together,” with its stunningly pleasing solo, and once again, the always welcome flavor of Texas soul.

Do yourself a solid: Pick up Signs today.

Signs by Jonny Lang

Tracks:     11

Label:     Provogue Records/Mascot Labels Group

Running Time:     48:00

US Release Date:     8 September

Jonny Lang



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