A couple days ago, a Change.org petition was created urging Mike Love’s Beach Boys to drop out of the concert scheduled at the Safari Club International Convention in Reno, Nevada on February 5th. The organization encourages trophy hunting for endangered species. Donald Trump Jr. will be its keynote speaker.

Brian Wilson himself has taken to social media in support of this this, hoping that others will join him in signing a petition addressed to Elliott Lott, the Beach Boys’ manager.

The petition states: “We the undersigned pledge to stop buying or downloading all Beach Boys music, going to Beach Boys concerts, and purchasing any Beach Boys merchandise until the Beach Boys withdraw from the SCI Convention and publicly state their opposition to this sick ‘sport’ of killing animals for ‘fun’. We will call on the Beach Boys’ record label, agent and publicists to disown the Beach Boys, and on members of the public to protest at forthcoming Beach Boys concerts, unless they do so.”

Here are Brian Wilson’s tweets from earlier today:



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