Lady A and her Baby Blues Funk band took her style of Blues & Funk down to Naw’lins in June of 2019 for some fun at the New Orleans Jazz Museum.

A first time live concert was a dream come true with its challenges and its rewards.

This album is fun and hosts some of the bands favorites tunes sung by Lady A and her collaboration with artists such as Producer/Vocalist/Drummer John Oliver III; Vocalist/Songwriter – Roz Royster McCommon; Pianist – Paul Richardson; and Producer/Vocalist/Guitarist – Dexter Allen.

Thank you for sharing in this 1st with us.

Lady A Live in New Orleans will be available on Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, and Lady A’s website. Support REAL talent. Support the REAL Lady A!


This song, “Doin’ Fine,” is one of the 13 tracks on Live in New Orleans. On the new album she intros the song with, “This song I wrote because I am blessed every day I wake up 6 feet above ground. I wake up and say, ‘Lord, thank ya! Cuz I’m doin’ fine.’ ”

The REAL Lady A

*Feature image Lady A holding her brand new release Live in New Orleans – photo from Facebook.



JD Nash is the former host of Blues Influence on WREN radio and current editor-in-chief of American Blues Scene.

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