The African American Folklorist Newspaper is looking to raise funds to continue its publishing effort. They are running an IndieGoGo campaign and hosting a benefit concert on April 23.
The African American Folklorist is a quarterly newspaper that contains articles about traditions, traditional beliefs, the cultural context, geographical locations, music, and vernaculars of African Americans and the role each element plays in the lives of the people past and present. AAF furthers the mission of Jack Dappa Blues Heritage Preservation by publishing articles that discuss the evolution of our traditions, and that present research about blues people.
AAF includes interviews with and articles from musicians, historians,
AAF also is proud to incorporate youth that shows interest in studying, researching, and preserving our heritage. There is an entire section dedicated to them called the “African American Folklorist Kids & Youth Section,” which publishes articles and research papers from young people aged 10-17.
The African American Folklorist is distributed by the Jack Dappa Blues Heritage Preservation Foundation. Founded by Lamont Jack Pearley and co-founder Denise Pearley, the newspaper went from idea to reality with a group of great people.
Jack Dappa Blues Heritage Preservation Foundation is a focal point for the research, archiving, and raising awareness of African American Traditional Music and the Black Experience. The 501c3 Private Operating Foundation founded in 2011 and officially became a private foundation with tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code on December 14th, 2016.
It also operates as Jack Dappa Blues Public Media providing intellectual conversations, historical facts, and essential coverage of the African American experience shaped by the African-American community as it works toward a more diverse media outlet by producing original content, public workshops, and events. The JDBPM work to be a source of information about the living history of African American Traditional Music and the Black Experience. Through most of its projects, content, workshops, and live events, it promotes African American literacy and the support of African American literature. Raising cultural and ethnic awareness also means introducing the people it serves to African American history makers that are less known and usually not covered in either mainstream media or today’s educational curriculum.
Jack Dappa Blues Heritage Radio not only plays African American traditional music that dates back to early Black Spirituals and pre-war blues, but highlights today’s practitioners of the music, as well as tackles the sensitive topics that relate to the African American experience from the past to the present. Engaging and interactive, Jack Dappa Blues Heritage Radio gives its audience the context in which African American traditions, culture, and social environment are shared through the oral documentation of blues, Black Spirituals, and the like, that reflects the African American community and their different classes throughout history.
Join us Friday, April 23rd, 2021 from 7 pm to 10 pm as we host a Livestream Blues Concert to raise funds for The African American Folklorist Newspaper. Meet the people behind the newspaper, ie – Founders, Contributing Writers, and Columnists. Learn about the story of the paper, and get to witness REAL Blues by Piedmont Blūz Acoustic Duo, Marquise Knox and Corey Harris.