Blues rock guitarist, singer, and songwriter Alastair Greene’s career has been on a steady climb, a soaring musical journey, welcoming a continuous flow of new projects and challenges. With albums launched under esteemed labels like Delta Groove Productions, Rip Cat Records, and Tab Benoit’s Whiskey Bayou Records, he sets the stage for the release of his sixth studio album, marking his eleventh overall, in the Spring of 2024. This milestone album is part of a newly-signed multi-record deal with the revered blues giant, Ruf Records.
In the meantime, while not allowing the grass to grow under his feet, Greene is independently releasing a single of the Allman Brothers classic “Whipping Post,” featuring Greene’s solo performance on 12-string acoustic guitar and vocals. His approach to the song evolved over time.
As Alastair says:
‘Whipping Post’ is one of those timeless songs that in my opinion encapsulates the mix of blues and rock in a totally unique way. I’d performed the song with my band occasionally. As a trio we had to approach it a little differently and I came up with some parts that helped fill it out. When I was recording acoustic singles for my last studio record with Sean McCue, I had some time at the end of the session and wanted to give ‘Whipping Post’ a go.
Sean had a 12-string acoustic guitar which I thought would sound cool. I tuned it down a full step to give it a bit of a darker sound. This acoustic version is live in the studio with no overdubs and was the first and only take we did of the song.” I can’t take credit for the acoustic approach to this classic. Years ago my late friend and producer Robinson Eikenberry played me a version of ‘Whipping Post’ recorded and sung by a woman named Lorna Hunt playing acoustic guitar and was backed by upright bass and possibly piano. It sounded so hauntingly beautiful and so raw. It really made an impression on me…
In my world, Gregg Allman is one of the most important songwriters, not to mention singers. Between seeing The Allman Brothers Band and his solo band I’ve seen him perform live more than any other musician, the only exception possibly being Warren Haynes. I got to meet Gregg very briefly once back in the mid-90s before he went on stage at the Ventura Theater in Ventura, CA. He just exuded cool. My version of ‘Whipping Post’ is my way of paying tribute to and thanking him.