Drew Dvorchak is a blues-rock singer, songwriter, and guitarist who currently resides in Evergreen, CO. Born in the Chicagoland area, Dvorchak has since made a splash in Denver and Minneapolis. Currently, he tours the Rocky Mountain region with his band, the Drew Dvorchak Band, who can be frequently found at some of Colorado’s most well-known music venues such as Globe Hall, Mercury Cafe, Broadway Roxy, and Your Mom’s House.
In 2024, the band plans to expand their reach and tour Montana, Chicago, and other Western States. Dvorchak’s journey in music was influenced by some of rock’s most legendary acts including The Grateful Dead, Hendrix, The Beatles, and Eric Clapton. He credits a lot of his style to John Mayer and Goose. His new EP, Voodoo Blue, is coming your way soon!
Can you talk about your new EP?
This next EP is titled Voodoo Blue and it will consist of three songs that I’ve written since I moved to Colorado three years ago, so it is very much turning the page to a new chapter in my life and musical journey. The single is called “Someone Like You,” which is all about making new friends and practically finding a new home you feel comfortable in which is so far away from my actual home; Chicago for me. “Someone Like You” is the closest thing I’ve ever made to a pop song in my life and that alone excited me as it was a new genre for me to dip my toes in.
“Cactus Jack’s” is a really fun funky blues song that revolves around a local bar in my hometown of Evergreen called Cactus Jack’s. “Running Through My Mind” is the third song on the EP. This song is all about dating in your twenties and how sometimes the thing you want the most isn’t available and it will drive you insane. The chorus is practically a joke about the girl who is happily taken or needs time. It’s kind of like “oh yeah, well even if you have a boyfriend, I bet you’re exhausted from running through my mind nonstop. And you know what? Keep on running!”
How did you write “Someone Like You?” Can you walk us through the songwriting process?
I actually wrote “Someone Like You” leading up to the Hops Drops Music Festival which the band played back in 2022. At the time, I felt the majority of my original songs we were playing in our set were very minor blues-based and I wanted to write a happier major based song to mix up the vibe throughout the set. With that mindset, “Someone Like You” eventually was created. We didn’t end up playing this song in the festival as it wasn’t quite ready, however nowadays it is a fan favorite and makes its way into just about every one of our setlists.

Where did you record everything?
I recorded this EP at the University of Denver in their Music School’s studio. This studio was so rad, by far the coolest music room I’ve ever been in and the history of this studio blew me away. Some of the vocals on this EP were recorded on the same mic Sir Paul McCartney used at one point. The biggest change for me in these recording sessions was we recorded all three songs in a full band setting which included myself, Kal, and Hayden. We recorded full song takes. In the past, I had recorded all my parts by myself and then sent out the tracks to the other members of the band to complete on their own. I do believe both tactics can produce solid tracks, but going forward given where the band is currently at, I feel we will produce most of our upcoming tracks in full band studio sessions to fully capture our vibe as a group.
This also was my first crack at recording in a legit studio. All my previous songs were actually recorded in my apartment. There is more pressure being in a studio setting as you don’t have unlimited time or unlimited takes. However, I do believe the pressure helps produce some really authentic and raw tracks which represent who we are as a band.
Who is in your band?
The most exciting thing in my musical world these days is I have had the most consistent band of my career and I could not be luckier with the guys I’m surrounded by. The core of the band has been Steven, Kal, Hayden and myself at our shows this past year, however there were a few friends and past bandmates who make appearances on this EP as well.
Steven Huntley is and has been one of the most exciting electric guitar players to see in all of Colorado and he also is my best friend. I used to go see his previous band YepOk all the time just to watch him play, as he brings so much energy to a live show. He is a phenomenal flat picker and I would probably classify him as a Bluegrasser. However, having said that, his second favorite band after The Grateful Dead is The Disco Biscuits so the crossover of influence makes for some real killer jams in our shows. He also has a tasty blues solo on “Cactus Jack’s” on the record.
John Jojo Hopper is responsible for so much of who I’ve become today as a musician. He inspires me and pushes me to be better every time I hear him play. I met Jojo a few years ago when a solo gig of mine at Zio Romolo’s in Denver turned into an all-out jam session with some of Steven’s friends. Jojo and I kept in touch after that night and soon started playing every possible gig we had together. He is such an incredible energy on the keys and as a friend. He currently lives in San Diego and is crushing it in the scene out there. With him no longer being in CO, it made it really special for him to be a part of this EP.
Kalel Bronson Alison-Vigil is the funkiest bass player around in my opinion. He can do literally anything from jazz to heavy metal and everything in between. I met Kal opening for his other band, Shanghai Metro Temple. Jojo and I were a duo and we asked him to play with us for our opening set. The rest is history and I could not be luckier to have him in the band.
Hayden Bosch is just too cool. I’ve never once seen him raise his voice or get angry or even excited. He is always so in the pocket with his vibe and it is even more apparent with his drumming. Hayden, similar to Kal, can do it all on the kit. He has a kick ass punk rock project called Anti-Broth that tours the U.S. Hayden is the perfect contrast to my OCD at times. He always reminds me that everything will be just fine.
Ryan Melnick is just so musical intelligent it puts my mind in a pretzel at times. On the guitar he is a freakin’ wiz; he is always laying down some funk and then contrasting with slick Jazz licks. On top of that, he was the studio engineer on the entire EP and is responsible for the mixing and mastering. He plays some bass lines throughout the tracks and has a rockin’ solo on “Someone Like You.” Every time I’m around Ryan all I can do is smile. Watch out for this dude, Los Angeles!
Can you talk about living in Colorado and how it has affected your songwriting?
Living in Colorado has been such a blessing. I somehow stumbled upon this incredible music scene in Evergreen, CO where there are countless unbelievably talented musicians from all different genres who all hang out and play together almost every weekend. I know, it doesn’t sound real. Folk, bluegrass, and The Grateful Dead by far are the most popular themes, but don’t be surprised if you walk into some crazy funk band or a super smooth jazz band at any club on any given night in Denver.
The best part in my opinion about the Colorado scene is there are so many people every night who go to the bars, clubs, and theaters just to hear and listen to whatever music is playing. It’s such a great change of pace from the ‘playing in a corner while people eat and talk and you wonder if you’re bothering them’ vibe of other scene’s I’ve been a part of.
The melting pot of ideas has been so great for me as a songwriter because I get inspired by something new almost every week. This has led to me writing much more open concepts of songs where there is room to be whatever you want to be on that day. This is also especially nice coming from Chicago where I felt like the only acceptable options were pop, rap or very traditional blues. I definitely feel I’ve found a new home in Colorado and I’m very excited to see what this magical place takes me as a songwriter.

What’s next for you and do you have any future goals?
I am definitely looking to do much more recording over the winter months and would love to have a full album out by late spring or early summer of 2024, including most of the songs on this EP. Additionally, my band and I are looking to start touring more of the west this next year and we have our sights on bringing our vibe to some new states like AZ, NM, ID, UT, MT, and CA.