Blues Festival Guide, the go-to publication for blues festivals across the world, is celebrating a very special tenth birthday!
Every year, Blues Festival Guide is a staple at nearly all blues festivals and blues-related events. The print guide, which prints 100,000 copies every year and is close to 100 pages, is packed full of festival listings, interesting articles, and information on blues societies. The best part is that the guide is FREE!
In addition, BFG boasts a widely circulated e-guide that comes out weekly and is delivered straight into avid blues fans’ inboxes.
American Blues Scene would like to congratulate Blues Festival Guide on ten fantastic years in the business of the Blues, and providing happy festival-goers and those who are soon to be an official magazine to be able to enjoy in between sets.
If you’re at a blues festival, be sure to ask where the Blues Festival Guides are, and if by small chance, the festival isn’t carrying the magazines, ask for them for next year!