Browsing: Featured

Articles, content and posts that are hand-picked by Blues Scene’s editorial staff.

“I feel if you don’t go out there, if you don’t mingle among the people, how are you going to know what they need to know, and hear what they need to hear? That’s the good part. That’s the best part. Just treat everyone right.”

“The banjo has a plunky, non-sustaining tone. Still, I believe the banjo deserves to be an instrument of the blues. Even its history could be a blues song!” – Poet laureate Norbert Krapf

“An inviolate inspiration is one that comes to you completely pure. It appears almost in its completeness, and there’s a recognition of it as being right for you – perfectly right for you. There’s no excuses in it. There’s no fantasy in it. There’s just a recognition of ‘yes.’ And then you capture that in a way that’s authentic to your unique creativity. Hopefully, that’s what I’ve done with this record.” – Steve Vai

“Music is like a language, and to be fluid one has to be articulate, and to be articulate it takes a lot of practice. It is important to ‘own’ the guitar and vocals.”