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Welcome to Windy City Wednesday. This weekly offering from American Blues Scene shares classic and sometimes forgotten blues albums from…
Experiencing Vai’s brand of instrumental playing is a guitar player’s heaven.
An Evening With Jackson Browne and His Band Tour stops in the Rochester, NY area!
If you happen to be in Paris on July 23rd for The Rolling Stones, don’t miss this incredible act!
‘Honest Lies’ is out September 16. Listen to the first single!
Eight-Time Blues Music Award Nominee Al Basile Is ‘Through with Cool’ on His new blues/roots CD Due August 19 from Sweetspot Records
This 17-song, 90-minute set packed in a lot including the majority of the new material from ‘Juke Joint Gems’
Jamification Station Vol. 1 is a live EP culled from singer/guitarist Debra Devi’s livestream show, “Jamification Station,” hosted by American Blues Scene.
‘First Set’ out today via Horton Records!
Jake La Botz was teaching meditation in a northwest Georgia prison when something unexpected caught his ear. He wasn’t sure…