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New acoustic and electric Hot Tuna tour dates!
“This kind of song lives or dies on personality, spontaneity and risk, and they really delivered.”
“Mixing is all a balance of combining the technical and creative.”
Limited screenings begin in theatres nationwide on April 1; all dates subject to change depending on local reopening conditions
“I wanted the video to have some levity and to capture the original intent of the song, which I’ve always interpreted as good-natured but risky.” – Shannon McNally
“Like you, I have been pushed to the limits of my humanity by the pandemic. But music, sweet music has set me straight once again and I offer this work with humility and devotion to you all.” – Popa Chubby
Watch the lyric video for “Fire It Up”
Arielle plays with sound like a painter using all the colors on her palette, at times blending her four-octave voice with the manic youthful energy of instrumental rave-ups that flash back to early Who and Lou Reed on “This Is Our Digital Intervention.”
McQuaid explores a whole new world outside her traditionally acoustic domain to superb effect
Blues may be “America’s music,” and Bobby Rush certainly is our best ambassador since the death of B.B. King. Why then is this award never shown on TV?