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American Blues Scene’s official shop, Bluescentric, has a fantastic line of exclusive custom blues t-shirts for you to gear up for your next festival!
Ever listen to a musician’s work and think to yourself “I need to hear that again so I can comprehend. What was that!?” Albert Castiglia’s latest offering rises to that pinnacle of Blues.
Bringing it back where it began, this week blues fans get to combine history with the greatest delta music
We recently sat down with Selwyn Birchwood, an up-and-coming young Blues guitarist who’s been making real waves in the blues lately.
Be prepared to have some damn fine country blues stuck in your head today!
On July 6, 1974, the Mississippi-Delta bluesman was a star attraction…
New information on the condition of the great delta bluesman.
Guitar-player, singer, and songwriter Ana Popovic, who just gave birth to a healthy, beautiful baby-girl (Lenna, July 1st, 2012) is already gearing up for her upcoming 2012 North American Tour!
Dripping, overflowing on the floor, lie down and get into it
The Chicago Jazz Magazine responds to recent dispute over high commission fees.