Browsing: Blues

What we really liked about this album is the fact that Dykes pays tribute without ripping off the originals or reproducing them note-for-note. (And why should he?) The album is lively, raw, and definitely has that Texas garage jam feel, and tone. The players do a fine job of keeping you right on the edge of explosion, without betraying the raw elegance of the music. This is an exceptional album!

Kim Wilson’s singing has never been better! His harp playing is inspired, but brilliantly restrained, making it all the more poignant. Again, the band does a spectacular job, and the playing is impressive throughout. This is an excellent album, and definitely worth the long wait.

Hadden Sayers had made his success the hard way; he has earned it. He has talent and he’s honed that talent playing over 200 gigs a year. He has persisted in the face of shady deals, less than honest agents, and crooked record labels. But above everything else is his love of soul, desire to succeed, and dedication to playing some seriously mean guitar.