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“I thought that everybody was getting into bad health over the way we were living and I had a concern that Stevie could die.”
The Blues philosophy is about making music as emotional and from the heart as possible.
I don’t like to be greedy. I want to be able to play the guitar like Jimi Hendrix, write songs like Bob Dylan, and perform like Elvis Presley.
“I think you have to argue as a school founded on Jazz, Jazz was founded on Blues.”
Although he never heard blues music at home, he became one of the most influential figures in Blues during the twentieth century.
“No matter what you do, wherever you are in life, your experiences are going to color the music that you make.” – Samantha Fish
“I think what’s most intrinsic to an original songwriter is their perspective and their ability to see something in a way that maybe is simple but hasn’t yet been expressed that way.” – Lukas Nelson
“Going in with every artist you need to know where they come from, the kind of music they play, and the personality they have. Knowing this sets the stage for various possibilities.” – Robert Mugge
At 75 years of age, Jack Casady allows no grass to grow under to his feet
“I want to take my band to places that I got to go with Carl Weathersby. I want Carl to be proud of me and show him that nothing he taught me was in vain.” – Corey Dennison